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         A Single Mother

             ©2010 by Rick Ellis

She is a scammer, a thief and a liar
Whose goal in life is to get higher and higher
She’ll tell you what she thinks you want to hear
Steal your wallet then buy you a beer

She only goes fast, she never slows down
And when you need a friend she is never around
She is happiest when she is crying the blues
While she smokes your cigarettes and drinks all your booze

She will make you a promise that she knows she won’t keep
As she boasts about how long she’s gone without sleep
She doesn’t look healthy, she doesn’t look well
But she’ll never admit she’s on a fast track to hell

She’s an unemployed mother who works very hard
Raking her kitchen and sweeping her yard
And cooking big meals that she doesn’t eat
Then taking smoke breaks on her toilet seat

She can’t be trusted, she is conniving and brash
Always thinking of ways to separate you from your cash
She’s occasionally successful, but more often she’s not
As she gets thinner and thinner and all her teeth rot

She’s a single mother with a great deal of pride
Who uses child support payments to help keep her supplied
She lives off of the money that her ex-husband earns
And borrows things from everyone that she never returns

She’s brags about being a model parent
And the money her daughter stands to inherit
From a relative we’ve read about in Forbes Magazine
But she’s just full of shit and methamphetamine

Her breath smells like something that is found in a sewer
And she believes that everyone is out to screw her
She texts scandalous messages while she sits in her kitchen
Then proclaims how great it is to be such a good Christian

She doesn’t think that anyone could possibly tell
But everyone knows what she is very well
She takes great measures to hide it every day

But her two faces will always give her away 



This poem is about Gabriella C. and all of her fifteen aliases. Each line in this poem is true. Gabby, you are a thief, a liar and a psychopath. How many of your friends, family and neighbors lives are you going to fuck up before you finally go to prison for a long, long time? Oh yeah, and by the way.... Meth is rotting all of your teeth. In case no one has ever told you... Your breath could knock a buzzard of a shit house door.The world will be a better, cleaner, safer and much better smelling place when you stop breathing.