Songwriting and Poetry Links

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Songwriting and Poetry Links

A great site for Orange County Songwriters to promote their songs and network with other local songwriters.
A very good site for songwriters to expose their music to the music industry and fans alike.
This is an awesome website with loads of useful guitar and music information for the beginner through the advanced guitarist.
A very good site for self publishing books, eBooks, and CD's.
A really good site for writers to post their work and get it exposed to publishers. You even get paid based on how many people read your posts. Your articals, poetry essay's, etc. are rated by the Heliumn administrators against other writers posts. Plenty of freelance job opportunities and contests too. 
A very well organized and well run poetry website. Free membership. Post poetry, song lyrics, free verse, etc. and network with other writers from all over the world. There is some very good stuff on this site.
Another high quality poetry site. Very good poetry resources. Post your poetry and get crtiques from other members.

Inspiring, intertesting and some humorous things from the mind of Bob Dylan.
John Prine song lyrics. One of the best songwriters of all time, but not as well known as he should be. Read a few lyrics and you will become a fan.
Townes Van Zandt (1944 - 1997) was a great songwriter and lyricist. One of the greatest folk artists of his generation. Check out the lyrics to some of his songs.
I don't know who decided that these are the best ten poems of the 20th century. Definitely not the worst poems, but the best? You decide.
Have Fun!