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Thank you for visiting my website. I hope that you enjoy perusing through it. If you come across something in particular that touches you in any way I would really appreciate it if you let me know by leaving your comments in my Guest Book, or send me an email at rickredshoes@gmail.com

I had originally decided to publish a book of my poetry and song lyrics a few years ago after people who were familiar with my work had suggested that I do so. Eventually, I committed myself to the project and went to work on selecting about one hundred out of over at least one thousand of my poems and lyrics to include in the book. It did not take very long before I came to the realization that it would not only be a daunting, difficult task, but it would require a walk down memory lane that I was not, at the time, emotionally prepared to take. There is a story or reason behind every song and poem I’ve ever written. Each, in its own way, is special to me and it was easier for me to just walk away from the project than to decide on what and what not to include in the book. After some soul searching I finally decided that the only way the book was going to happen would be by random selection of he material to include in it. “Songs In The Key Of Love, Volume 1” (Lulu Pres) is the result of that decision.

Fast forward a couple of years; I thought the time was right to put about one hundred song lyrics/poems on a website. This time the selection process was random from the very beginning. From time to time I will update the site with new material until the site grows to a size that will warrant a “volume 2” or additional website.

About The Author:

Rick Ellis is a professional musician, songwriter and guitar instructor. He has been a creative writer since the age of thirteen. Over the course of his career, Rick has received numerous awards and recognition for both poetry and songwriting. Some of Rick's songs have been acquired by music publishers for recording by major recording artist's as well as for use in motion picture and televison productions and his poetry has been featured in numerous magazines and books of poetry collections

Rick lives in Huntington Beach, California.


Songs In The Key Of Love Vol.1- Lulu Press, 2007

Laughter Is Good For The Sole - Lulu Press, 2006

Redshoes Relics - Lulu Press, 2008

Rosewood, Spruce and Steel - A Guitarist's Primer - Summer 2010


 Original Music:

Corporate Ethics, 1996

 Perry's Lantern, 1998

Cardboard Boxes, 2000

Broken String On An Old Guitar, Summer 2011

Awards and Recognition:

Presidents Award - International Society of Poets 2004, 2006. 2007. 2008

Editor's Choice Award - International Society of Poets 2005, 2007, 2009

Poet Fellow - International Poets Fellowship

Editor's Choice Award - The League of American Poets 2007

Finalist - International Open Poetry Contest 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008. 2009